‘Meet’ the Crew

These books have been written by a mother of four, a passionate educator and parenting enthusiast. Great for use in the classroom, in the home and ideal for specialist working with children.

How can these books help at home?

Navigating a child emotions and feelings can be challenging, exhausting and overwhelming for both the parent and the child. Having a resource or tool to effectively communicate with children about what happens when we have these big feelings is priceless. These books not only provide children with everyday situations which are relatable but also opens the world to parents on how dealing with big feelings is just as important for them as it is for their children.

Through the use of the stories parents can begin to have conversations with their child about how we all have big feelings. We all struggle to regulate and make good choices, adults have just had more practice and our brains are fully developed to cope with these feelings of overwhelm.

The unique benefit of this book series is that each book identifies a different persona that a child may relate to or have experienced. Through a realistic and relevant story your child will learn that the way they or their friends respond to a frustrating, challenging or vulnerable situation is innately connected to their awareness of dysregulation and their developmental inability to regulate big feelings and therefore chose unhelpful strategies to cope with these feelings.

How can these books help in schools?

Teaching has been Dominique's life-long passion. With over 20 years in the industry, she has always worked in the area of Learning Support which works closely with School Psychologists, OT's, behaviour specialists and support teachers to unlock the areas of need so all students have the capacity to learn and reach their full potential.

can be adapted to units to support student well being and development. With stunning visuals and everyday stories these book can be read as a one off, embedded into a program or used as a tool with individual students.

The five books interconnect in concepts and strategies and when all read students began to understand the bigger picture when it comes to dealing with every facet of school life.

If your school is interested in purchasing this book set and feel a staff professional development may be beneficial please email us at inspirmainds@outlook.com

As teachers we are constantly juggling so many balls and helping our students to become emotionally resilient, calmer in the classroom and less reactive on the playground is always our aim.

Although the school program has not yet been released there is never ending opportunities to use these books to support your current content focus or

How can these books help support specialists?

Already in use in various clinics and schools across Sydney, this book series is a new and exciting resource for any professional working with developing communication and breaking down unhelpful thoughts. These books differ from so many on the market as they tackle a different challenge. The inability for children to recognise when they or their peers are unable to control their impulses or reactive behaviours whether at home, school or in the community.

This book series can assist specialist in their endeavour to support the child to be seen and heard. Through the sophisticated language and unique approach to normalising big feelings, these books are a beautiful addition to any therapy room or support programs.

School counsellors are praising this book series for providing a way to tap into children’s psychological damage and help reframe many ingrained perceptions, feelings and thoughts.