
Preschool Author Talk and Read



First time author, teacher and mother of four is offering an opportunity for an author visit and read through. Secure your chance to book an author visit and reading. There is the added option of a parent session to educate parents on the best way to cope with challenging emotions (which we all know surges at the age of four).

What are the books about:

1. A picture book series about emotions.

2. Teaching children that big emotions are normal and we all need help managing them.

3. A dynamic way to show children the many different ways big emotions can affect each and every one of us, including adults. 4. A wonderful resource for teachers, parents and specialists to teach children the importance of recognising these big feelings.

5. Using everyday situations that children experience on a daily basis to help children connect with their emotions.

6. Understanding the importance of breathing to help aide regulating our brain and helping calm the storm of emotions.

As a bonus to the pre-school you will receive a complimentary set of books for the school's personal resources to continue using to develop a conversation with your students to help support their big feelings. Providing there is a parent session booked in and an opportunity to send home an order form. Dominique is excited to visit your facility to provide students with an understanding behind big feelings and the way this can impact so many facets of their lives from friendships to schoolwork and beyond. By supporting your students with language to help build their library of knowledge they can better cope with social challenges, emotional meltdowns and difficult developmental milestones.

School Author Talk and Read

First time author, teacher and mother of four is offering an opportunity for an author visit and read through.

Secure your chance to book an author visit and reading.

Please note this session is free but does require the school to purchase a set of books for their school library and send out a flyer via school communications.

Dominique is excited to visit your facility to provide students with an understanding behind big feelings and the way this can impact so many facets of their lives from friendships to schoolwork and beyond. By supporting your students with language to help build their library of knowledge they can better cope with social challenges, emotional meltdowns and difficult developmental milestones.

As an experienced teacher, Dominique suggests these sessions are booked according to stages as the content of discussion would vary slightly. If the school gains positive feedback and would be interested in securing workshop sessions (currently in development) this can be organised. These sessions are ideal for Book Week, Education Week or special events within schools.

What are the books about:

1. A picture book series about emotions.

2. Teaching children that big emotions are normal and we all need help managing them.

3. A dynamic way to show children the many different ways big emotions can affect each and every one of us, including adults. 4. A wonderful resource for teachers, parents and specialists to teach children the importance of recognising these big feelings.

5. Using everyday situations that children experience on a daily basis to help children connect with their emotions.

6. Understanding the importance of breathing to help aide regulating our brain and helping calm the storm of emotions.

Dominique is excited to visit your facility to provide students with an understanding behind big feelings and the way this can impact so many facets of their lives from friendships to schoolwork and beyond. By supporting your students with language to help build their library of knowledge they can better cope with social challenges, emotional meltdowns and difficult developmental milestones. As an experienced teacher, Dominique suggests these sessions are booked according to stages as the content of discussion would vary slightly. If the school gains positive feedback and would be interested in securing workshop sessions (currently in development) this can be organised. As a bonus to the school, you will receive a complimentary set of books for the school's personal library to continue using to develop a conversation with your students to help support their big feelings. It is requested that a book order form be sent home with the students or newsletter.

Building emotional resilience through empathy, connection and understanding.

School based program - helping children understand and regulate big feelings.

This exciting program is in development and is a new approach to teaching school aged children that it is okay to feel out of control. Through the use of the amazing picture books tailored lessons and activities have been developed to engage students in better understanding themselves and each other.

Coming soon…

Teacher Professional Development

Topics include:

  • Teacher professional development on emotional resilience, student well-being, and how this impacts behaviour challenges in the classroom.

  • Connection before consequence - why being seen and heard is the key to unlocking student potential

  • The misunderstandings of ADHD and what support in the classroom looks like.

  • How to support behaviour in the classroom and write an IEP that is not just paperwork.

  • Why I wrote these books and how they can help you in the classroom build a culture of empathy, connection, resilience and understanding.

Options include:

  • 1hr after school professional training

  • 2hr staff development day training

  • 3hr twighlight session and training