Creating Change, Shaping Minds

Every behaviour is attached to a need, every feeling comes from a need and when you see there is a need you can begin to understand the behaviour.
— Dominique Jones

Author, Educator, Speaker and Parenting Consultant.

As a young girl, all Dominique ever wanted was to be around kids.

As a teen, her parents would often call her the pied piper - wherever she was children followed. 

As a high school student, she was a creative, dynamic and energetic student who did not 'succeed' in the eyes of the institute of education. This led her to teaching. Dominique wanted all children to experience the success and joy of learning no matter how hard they found it. 

This is where Dominique's passion for children began. The vital role education plays in unlocking a child's full potential regardless of their grades or achievements is one of her biggest joys.

Only second to being a mother of four. 

Dominique is passionate about inspiring parents and educators to connect with children to educate them on how to acknowledge and recognise where big feelings come from, how to manage meltdowns and challenging situations and ultimately repair and rebuild fractured relationships.

​As the writer and creator of a new and exciting book series ‘Meet the Crew’ she has provided an invaluable resource to aid in the development of emotional awareness, empathy and resilience . A group of everyday children navigating and managing big emotions is the beginnings of the picture book series and why it was developed. The books are an emotional regulation picture book series designed to create conversations of how we represent our emotions when we are stressed, tired, frustrated, lonely or angry.

Check out this months blog

Leave me alone! I hate you, this is all your fault.

Meltdown Madness

We all have them, even adults!

This article provides some helpful tips and strategies to helping are children cope with big emotions and challenging feelings. It explains why are children have meltdowns and how we can best support them to feel seen and heard.

In a world that is harsh and unforgiving we need to support our children to feel supported to deal with everyday challenging.

For the parents…

'Being a parent has been the hardest but the most rewarding and life-changing experience. Having children strips you down to your most vulnerable self. All those things we don't like about ourselves are impossible to hide from. Facing those challenges and seeing yourself through your children's eyes and becoming the person they want you to be is what makes being a mother the biggest gift.' 

Parenting is hard. It is emotionally draining, physically challenging and makes you question your self-worth more than any other endeavour you will take on.

But you have a gift, an opportunity to choose connection of consequences, empathy over judgement and love over all other strategies, or techniques.

I hear parents ask constantly, why does my child not listen, why won’t they do what I ask and how can I cope when I feel like I am falling apart?

This website and my mission are to share with you my knowledge and experience of how children learn, what they need to feel safe and supported and how we can rebuild and develop deeper more genuine connections with our children.

For the educators…

'It's not about the content you deliver, it's about the way you deliver it that makes children want to learn. If a child can see your investment in their happiness and well-being they will naturally want to try their best. The elements of life can seriously affect a child's ability to access their learning. As teachers, if we find a way into their emotions and make them feel safe, nurtured, happy and confident the learning will come naturally.

The most powerful gift a teacher can impart on a student is connection. For a child to be seen and heard in a world that can be cruel and challenging makes teaching the most rewarding vocation.

We must see the child, understand their needs and develop a bond that makes them confident, happy and resilient

The classroom will become a place where ideas thrive and knowledge flourishes.'



Testimonials ~

Thank you for gifting our school these books they are absolutely stunning. The teachers commented on how engaging and relevant they are as a resource. They are all very excited to use them with our students. They will be well loved and thoroughly enjoyed at our school. We look forward to making contact with the author and organising a visit in the future.

Teacher at Tharawal Public School, Sydney

This engaging and powerful series offers a simple yet insightful look at the range of emotions children face daily. It is beautifully illustrated, easy to read and most importantly is relatable for students, parents and teachers alike. A truly must have resource for every teacher.

Brooke Patterson Learning Support Coordinator/Primary School Teacher

Fantastic!! - These books make my job so easy. The kids just ‘get it’. They can relate to the characters and can implement the strategies with ease. I have used these from Kindy to High school kids and have always had a great response. As a primary school teacher, helping children from all walks of life deal with their emotions can be a real challenge.

Christine Tsekas School Counsellor/Registered Psychologist

This creative and beautifully illustrated book series has been a vital and missing link in my therapy sessions. It has created a platform to talk with children about recognising their emotions. They capture the normality of big feelings and link these emotions to different characters. This opens a communication channel for parents, therapists, and teachers to talk about big emotions in a positive way. This book series teaches children they are not alone with their feelings, they can use the strategies or accept the help of their friends, parents, and teachers which can open up a world of acceptance and support.

Jill Hellemans, Special Educator and Board Certified Behaviour Analyst

Congratulations on a great book. I loved it and so did my girls. It made me teary because my daughter related to Claudia Cool and it showed me in pictures and words what my daughter is going through at school. They are excited to read the rest of the series.

Najebe Mohana, Mother of four.

We may only get one shot at parenting but our children give us endless opportunities to create space to rebuild connections. They are more patient with us than we are with ourselves, they are more forgiving than we can be and they forget and forgive more easily. Be kind to yourself. I look forward to joining this journey with you to see and hear our children.

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